The Power Of Trust
Why would you need a Lasting Power of Attorney? Surely my partner can decide what care I have and make all my financial decisions if I am unable to.

Have you considered what would happen if you became, through illness or accident, unable to make decisions for yourself, incapacitated, either temporarily or permanently?
Putting both Lasting Power of Attorneys in place now, ensures someone you trust will make those decisions based on your instructions.
We can do both Lasting Powers alongside your Wills as a discounted package. Mention this when you get in contact so you receive our best rates.

Health & Welfare

It is a very sensible decision to have both LPA’s in place and not wait until you are ill or older. We never know what is waiting around the corner for us. The health and welfare LPA allows you to appoint one or more people you trust as attorneys, to make or help you make decisions around your health care. This can include making decisions about diet, daily care and life sustaining treatment. These decisions can only be made after you LPA is registered and only when you lack the capacity to make them yourself. i.e. you are unconscious or are too ill.
All Lasting Power of Attorneys must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before they can be used. The fee (payable to the OPG) is £82. This will be included in our quote to you.
Property & Financial Affairs

What if you have an illness or injury that prevents you from getting to the bank, paying bills. Or you are abroad and need someone to take care of your UK finances while you are away.
Unlike the Health and Welfare POA, you can put a Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney in place to start while you still have capacity. This way you can ask you attorney to act for you for lots of reasons. Or you can choose for it only to be activated when you do not have the capacity to make financial decisions. Either way, your attorney only has the power to make the decisions that you grant them to.
All Lasting Power of Attorneys must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before they can be used. The fee (payable to the OPG) is £82. This will be included in our quote to you.
Business Lasting Power of Attorney

If you run your own business, you can make a separate financial Power of Attorney with different business attorneys appointed to take care of the financial decisions relating to your business. You can appoint professional attorneys or colleagues/friends that you know will carry out your wishes.
All Lasting Power of Attorneys must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before they can be used. The fee (payable to the OPG) is £82. This will be included in our quote to you.
Living Wills & Advance Directives

In the event that you can’t communicate your wishes, you can draft a document that gives medical staff directions for your medical care. Particularly suitable for those without a Power of Attorney.
COVID-19 Updates and Delays

Due to the current delays in processing and registering Lasting Powers of Attorney with the Office of the Public Guardian (currently 13 weeks plus), we can help by preparing an Ordinary Power of Attorney which can take effect immediately and be utilised while waiting for your Lasting Power Of Attorney to be registered and returned. An Ordinary Power of Attorney allows a named person/s to make financial decisions on your behalf.
If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.